143 Businesses For Sale in Bendigo + Loddon Mallee VIC

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Accommodation & Tourism
Agricultural and Rural
Beauty and Health
Commercial Property
Education and Training
Food Hospitality
Import Export Wholesale
Work From Home

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Growing regional economy with tourism of the gold fields, Murray River, lakes and education opportunities at La Trobe university campuses at Bendigo and Mildura, plus Swan Hill International College. Viticulture, horticulture, crops, sheep and cattle support a vibrant manufacturing industry and services sector.

Arts and culture are well supported with the Bendigo Art Gallery and Bendigo Blues and Roots Festival, Chinese Dragon Easter festival, Mildura Jazz Festival, Castlemaine Garden festival and many more events to attract tourists and support the local economy. 

Mildura Central and Bendigo Marketplace shopping centres and a wide variety of strip shopping outlets exist. Bendigo Airport offers flights to southern east coast capital cities, along with rail and freight services, and connecting coach services to outer towns

Loddon Mallee Regional Councils           Bendigo and Region Tourism

Bendigo Council                                          Mildura Rural City Council

Search to buy a business in Bendigo for the greatest variety and opportunities. Everything from farming and agriculture, tourism, to steam ship tours from Echuca and Mildura along the Murray River.  

Bendigo Castlemaine Eucha

Mildura                Gisborne                Swan Hill

Wedderburn        Wycheproof          Maryborough

Kerang                  Kyneton

On Bsale there are hundreds of businesses listed for sale in the Bendigo and Loddon Mallee region of Victoria. The Loddon Mallee region covers 59,000 sq klms, 25% of Victoria and is approximately 150 klms inland northwest from Melbourne. The area offers the warmest climate in Victoria and lots of outdoor recreational activities. Forecasted Loddon Mallee population in 2031 is 287,000, Bendigo the largest at 146,000 followed by Mildura 63,000 a great place to buy a business.   

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You have the option of selling your business in Bendigo or Loddon Mallee Region Victoria privately or by engaging a professional business broker. At Bsale we have put together some resources to help guide you:

> Guide to Selling a Business in Australia

> Guide to Choosing a Business Broker

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