Darren Leaney

CRE Brokers

NSW Mid-North Coast, North Coast and New England

Darren is a multiple awarding winning business owner highly regarded as a friendly, happy & committed sales and Marketing Strategist. 

He has positioned himself as a sales & marketing “trusted advisor” for over 30 years in retail consulting, sales and franchise management for SMES and multimillion dollar brands and start-ups.  

Darren has extensive nationally accredited business qualifications acquired through numerous providers including the Property Council of Australia .

Based on the Mid North Coast in Coffs Harbour servicing the North Coast & New England , Darren’s mission is simple …. “provide  absolute customer satisfaction by providing caring professional service”.

Locations Serviced
NSW Mid-North Coast, North Coast and New England

Commercial Property Accommodation & Tourism

Languages Spoken

Licensed to Operate in

Interested in Darren?

How to Choose a Broker

Know what's important when choosing your business broker.


Guide to Selling a Business

Understand what it takes to get your business prepared, advertised and sold! 



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