How I Helped this Business Increase its Value by 20%

by SHREYANSH SHAH 7th of August, 2024
How I Helped this Business Increase its Value by 20%
How I Helped this Business Increase its Value by 20%

As a specialist business broker, I recently worked with a cake manufacturing business that wanted to sell.

My goal was to increase the business’s value so the owners could get the best return on their investment. We achieved this by making strategic improvements, reorganizing finances, and using targeted marketing.

Initial Assessment and Strategy Development

First, I thoroughly examined the business. I looked at financial statements, production processes, logistics, market position, and competition. This helped me identify the business’s strengths, weaknesses, and areas that needed improvement. The business had great products and loyal customers but needed better efficiency and a wider market reach.

Based on my findings, I created a strategic plan focusing on three main areas: making operations more efficient, improving financial health, and expanding the market. Each area had specific actions to increase the business’s value.

Enhancing Operational Efficiency

The business’s logistics processes were outdated, causing waste of resources and high costs. I recommended and helped implement modern logistics software with live tracking and restructured the management hierarchy.

This reduced time and increased work efficiency. I also introduced lean manufacturing principles to streamline workflows, reduce downtime, and improve productivity.

Training the staff was crucial too. We organized sessions and manuals to ensure employees could use the new software and understood the importance of efficiency. These changes significantly reduced production costs and improved product quality, making the business more attractive to buyers.

Strengthening Financial Health

The financial statements needed to be clear and accurately show profitability and potential. I worked with the owner and their accountant to clean up the financial records, ensuring all income and expenses were correctly recorded. We also addressed outstanding debts and optimized the pricing strategy to reflect the true value of the products. 

This improved profit margins and gave potential buyers a clearer picture of the business’s financial stability. I created detailed financial projections showing the business’s growth potential, which was crucial during negotiations.

Expanding Market Reach

The business had a strong local presence but hadn’t fully explored online markets. I helped the owners develop a marketing plan to expand their reach through online sales and targeting a wider area. We updated the company’s website and used social media to reach a broader audience. These efforts significantly increased sales and market presence, making the business more appealing to buyers.

Successful Sale and Increased Value

With these improvements in place, we were ready to market the business to potential buyers. 

I prepared a compelling business prospectus highlighting the improved operational efficiency, strong financial health, and expanded market reach. These enhancements allowed us to justify a higher asking price.

Within a few months, we received multiple offers, and the business was sold at a price reflecting a 20% increase in its value. The owners were thrilled with the outcome, and the new buyers were confident in the business’s potential for continued growth.

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Specialist Business Broker
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