Jasmine Robson

Specialist Business Broker

Based on the Gold Coast, Queensland, Jasmine Robson is an extremely accomplished Entrepreneur who has built several multimillion-dollar businesses from the ground up and is well versed in the hard work that goes into founding, establishing, and growing a small to medium business. Jasmines own companies have been explicitly in Hospitality, Events, Fashion, Retail, Hair, Skincare, Beauty & Wellness.

Jasmine has a Bachelor of Business, majoring in Marketing & Human Resource Management and has specialised in Business Management, Sales & Marketing for over 23 years.

Frequently speaking in front of tens of thousands of people on stages across the world, Jasmine is a leading authority in Sales, Social Media & Public Relations Marketing. As such, she has a vast Social Network, with some of her Social Media pages having a following of nearly half a million people.

As a result, she has a considerable pool of international & national buyers who know, like and trust her, and she has made dozens of sales directly from promoting on her Social Media channels.

​Recently gracing the cover of “BSale Magazine”, Australia’s leading “Business For Sale” Magazine and being recognised as a ‘Top Contributor”, where Jasmine has written many articles and has become the leading authority on multiple facets of Business Sales.  

Jasmine truly is the Business Broker of the 21st century, and you will be sure to be pleased with the outcome of your business sale or acquisition.

Published Articles

Why you Should Strategically Buy a Business to Grow

Why you Should Strategically Buy a Business to Grow

Jasmine Robson26 December 2022

The fastest way to grow your current business is to acquire your competitor or a complementary business to increase your market share. This works exceptionally well if you can obtain such a business in the same area in which you already operate or a neighbouring... Read More » 2 min read

When Should I Start Writing my Exit Strategy?

When Should I Start Writing my Exit Strategy?

Jasmine Robson4 October 2022

This is a question Business owners often ask too late, prolonging the time in which they are effectively ‘stuck’ in their business. Ideally, someone pursuing a business would think about their exit strategy before embarking on the business creation.... Read More » 2 min read

The Art of Negotiation

The Art of Negotiation

Jasmine Robson28 September 2021

Many things make a good Business Broker. Business Experience, Network, Personality, Charisma, Marketing Skills, and more. However, none are more critical than their ability to negotiate a favorable deal for both the vendor and the acquirer because, at the end of... Read More » 4 min read

Interested in Jasmine?

How to Choose a Broker

Know what's important when choosing your business broker.


Guide to Selling a Business

Understand what it takes to get your business prepared, advertised and sold! 



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